I bought a chalk sandwich board off Craigslist for a reason that escapes me now. What a cool purchase it turned out to be. Having never written on a chalkboard I had so much fun writing messages of hope, passages, and even events for our Church. I added modern calligraphy to the custom chalkboard art. Then I erased it and started over.
While the black chalk background doesn’t always lend itself to all occasions, (check out my beautiful rental mirrors and acrylic signage

The Preschool at our church needed a welcome sign for all the prospective parents touring the facilities. The preschool’s playground is a designated nature playground and attracts sooooo many butterflies on their journey north and south that I just had to work some in. Disclaimer-the butterflies that visit the preschool playground are not nearly as neon colored as these!

This is an updated chalkboard that the Deacons use in their quest to raise funds for Thanksgiving baskets. What were baskets stuffed with all the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal were reimagined during Covid as a gift card to a local grocery store. So nice to see my art and lettering being used to raise funds for so many needy families and individuals!

An evening of pie and fellowship and playing bingo! Sign us up!
This was the first chalkboard I did for our church when we held our first ever bingo fundraiser! This fundraiser has since been reimagined and adjusted but still continues to be one of the church’s most anticipated events. Held virtually last year due to Covid, the fundraiser beat all expectations in donations and managed to virtually include family and friends around the country.

A chalkboard for the Advent season and all the activities our church offers.
I absolutely love the way the graphic turned out on this chalkboard. It can be tough to pull off certain colors on chalkboards but I love this simpleness that the outline figures conveys mixed with the manger and floor.

A very colorful chalkboard for our local food bank!
Tacos and fundraising for the food bank. I’ll definitely have seconds!

One of my favorite things to keep in mind on a daily basis

I don’t do too many directional signs, but love the way this one turned out.

This was the original chalkboard I did for our annual fundraising event to raise funds for the 100+ Thanksgiving baskets we put together for area families. This board has been updated and is shown above.
I actually added a few hats in the top upper left corner but have no images of the finished chalkboard.

Mini menu chalkboards for tasting stations. These boards were done on site for a corporate function. I’m always up for lettering on site but am usually extra hungry after spending an afternoon lettering such yummy food stations!

Welcome sign

A memorial chalkboard for our preschool director. Judy was taken from us way way too early in life. Her impact on our lives was too much to measure and even put into words. I told my youngest daughter that God must have really needed someone like Judy in heaven right now, because there is simply no way to figure out her death.

I love the fruit label look that I achieved on this chalkboard.

A wedding welcome sign

A smaller chalkboard for a wedding reception

This chalkboard was so popular with all the moms at our preschool. I did this for the preschool at our church when Kate was finishing up her time there. Its a little wordy but it packs a punch and is so fitting for the end of school year.

I can’t remember exactly, but I think I did this for Mother’s Day. This is another early chalkboard and I can see so much of my lettering style has changed in the years I have been doing these.

I always love all the spring colors and love easter time.

This is an actual slate chalkboard that I found at a thrift store. Its a bit dainty but I love the small size and choosing just the right saying for it. I used this as a sample for my modern calligraphy classes and how you can mix lettering styles!